Women of sales new Beginnings
This blog initially started back in 2010 when I first started at HubSpot. As part of the new-hire onboarding at HubSpot, you had to create a website/blog on the HubSpot platform. That was an excellent lesson -> enable your employees to learn your software by having them use it at the start of becoming an employee. Brilliant!
I am so glad they made us do that because that project is where my original blog, WomenPreneurs, was born.
I created a blog to write down my lessons and learnings from working in software sales at a startup. Every day there was something new and exciting to learn about. I would not waste one minute of this incredible opportunity of working at HubSpot. I decided I would share what I was learning with the world. What a ride that was to be an early sales hire at HubSpot. I was getting a mini MBA and learning how to be the best sales rep possible. I would jot down ideas from my prospecting efforts, discovery calls, demos, closing calls, etc. I would turn those random ideas throughout the day into blog posts. Thankfully, those blog posts took off, and this community slowly but surely was born.
That little blog of mine became this community where women who worked mainly in software sales roles could communicate and connect. Over the years, I have wanted to change the group to one where women working in any sales role at any company can connect. I didn’t want to silo the group into being only for women working in software sales or tech sales. You can’t change your viewpoint without hearing from people in other industries.
I changed the blog's name from WomenPreneurs to Women in Tech Sales at some point over the years. Unfortunately, my billing on GoDaddy wasn’t set up correctly, and the domain lapsed. I was crushed. Over the years, I had worked hard to get high up in the search engines. Constantly working on the SEO of my posts and losing the domain was a significant loss. Thankfully all challenges create opportunity and a chance to be reborn again. I am so happy to announce a new name for this space and one that is more inclusive.
2023 is definitely the right time to make that change.
All of us in tech and software sales can benefit from learning from women who sell in other industries and from women who work at different kinds of companies we are not familiar with.
The best way to learn is by being introduced
to new thinking and ways of doing things.
We cannot grow by only being exposed to SaaS sales.
We must think outside of our own companies to expose ourselves to new thinking.
We must get out of our singular way of doing things to be the best sales reps we can possibly be.
Welcome to the NEW Women of Sales Community.
You helped me name the new site via this LinkedIn post, where I asked you all to weigh in on the new name. Thank you for supporting this community. I am very excited about the future of this community.
Please join us!
AN FYI for anyone curious about what the community consists of:
Who know’s what the future holds and where this will go? I hope you help me create a space we all call home.
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